New User Registration

This site allows you to freely and confidentially organize, print, email, or FAX your medication history for your own records or for your healthcare provider. We do NOT collect any identifying data about you or your history.

  • Once you register, you will be able to store your medication history and modify it at anytime in the future.
  • The registration process will require an active email address and include general demographic information about you.
  • To maintain confidentiality, no information that specifically identifies you will be required to register.
  • This information may be used to identify general trends in prescribing patterns and medication response for scientific research purposes-not for marketing pharmaceutical products to you.
  • We also work with physicians, health insurance companies, and medical research companies who may provide passwords for you to use for their use.
  • We will not have any identifying data that links you to that password. They keep all identifying information, and any questions regarding privacy/confidentiality should be directed to the individual or company who provided you that password.

New Healthcare Provider Registration

  • There is no charge to register as a listed provider.
  • Once you register, patients will be able to locate your name under a pull down menu by your name, city/state, or type of provider.
  • They will able to access your email, FAX, or mailing address if you wish for them to send their information to you.
  • You may also request when they click on your name that either mail or bring in their printed information if you prefer they not use your FAX or email to send their information.
  • This service is free for your patients unless they wish to store their data for updates or later use. All information is confidential.

This project is affliated with Northwest Behavioral Research Center in Alpharetta and Marietta Georgia under the direction of Michael Banov MD. You may email us or visit our research site for more information about our program at